In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Mass-selective Neutron Spectroscopy of Molten FLiBe
We request time on VESUVIO to study the properties of FLiBe using mass-resolved neutron spectroscopy (MANSE). FLiBe is a mixture of BeF2 and LiF and its physical properties in... -
Variable temperature study of the structure of the new bimetallic, mixed anio...
We propose 1 day of beam-time on GEM to probe changes in the crystal structure of the new fast Li+ conducting mixed-cation, mixed-anion phase, Li0.5Na0.5(BD4)0.83I0.17 as a... -
Ammonia synthesis using lithium hydride-metal nitride composites: an in situ ...
The development of more active catalysts for the production of ammonia will have a worldwide impact on the energy cost of producing fertiliser. Composites of lithium hydride and... -
In-situ studies of amides with ammonia
The aim of this proposal is to determine that materials that are present in the ammoniation of amides. -
Vibrational Contribution to the Thermodynamic Properties of Lithium Ion Batte...
We propose to measure phonon density of states in LixFePO4 (x = 0.3, 0.6 and 1.0; three sample) from 300 to 1000 K to understand the role of lithium disorder with change in x... -
In-situ mechanistic studies of hydrogen storage reactions in lithium amide ha...
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Hydrogen production from ammonia using lithium imide: an isotope study
We have recently discovered that light metal amides and imides are excellent cattalysts for the decomposition of ammonia. We request 3 days on POLARIS to perform in situ neutron... -
Reversible Redox in a Cerium (IV) Germanate Scheelite: a New Oxygen Storage M...
Materials that show oxide-ion mobility (solid electrolytes) and/or reversible uptake and release of oxygen (oxygen storage materials) have important uses in applications... -
Detailed Structural Characterisation of Functional Spinel Materials
We propose to use neutron scattering to examine the complex structures of some new mixed oxide materials that have applications in catalysis and for their magnetic properties.... -
Mass-selective Neutron Spectroscopy of Molten FLiBe
We request time on VESUVIO to study the properties of FLiBe using mass-resolved neutron spectroscopy (MANSE). FLiBe is a mixture of BeF2 and LiF and its physical properties in... -
Exploring local structure in hydrated LiRAPs using pair distribution function...
Many of the devices currently used for energy storage (e.g., batteries, solar cells) use liquid electrolytes that are known to pose a serious fire and safety risk. In recent... -
Spin reorientation transition in Ba2CrO2Cr2As2 - resubmission
This is an experiment to probe the magnetic ordering in Ba2CrO2Cr2As2 and compare the behaviour with the Sr analogue which shows a complex spin reorientation transition around...