TND-IGG RL01: Thermospheric neutral density from accelerometer measurements o...
TND-IGG RL01: This dataset is the first release of thermospheric neutral densities (TND) processed at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG), University of Bonn,... -
SUA PEJ: Swarm Polar Electrojet
Recent studies have shown that when a polar-orbiting satellite, in an altitude range similar to the Swarm satellites (ESA's Earth Observation constellation mission), passes the... -
Swarm small-scale field-aligned current (FAC): dual-satellite method
The Swarm (ESA's Earth Observation constellation mission) Level 2 time series of field-aligned and radial current densities along the orbit using the dual-satellite method for... -
IGG-Swarm: Temporal Gravity Models from Swarm
Monthly gravity fields from Swarm A, B, and C, using the integral equation approach with short arcs. Software: GROOPS; Approach: Short-arc approach (Mayer-Gürr, 2006);...