Annual SST estimates from the late Marine Isotope Stage 6 (140-135 kyr) and c...
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Maximum annual SST estimates during the early LIG (129-124 ka; 189 sites)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP) during the months of ...
Note, that we have assumed a thermal equator of 5 degrees North, where sites above this latitude 'Summer' = JJA, and 'Winter' = DJF. Sites south of this line have 'Summer'... -
Annual SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP) during the months of ...
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
Paleomagnetic record (inclination, declination, relative paleo-intensity) in ...
Okhotsk Sea connects the high latitude Asian continent and North Pacific which plays an important role in modern and long-term glacial–interglacial climate changes linked to... -
Manganese, titanium and iron counts in marine sediment core MD01-2414 from th...
The abundance of iron and manganese were detected by using non-destructive X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scanning technique. Continuous downcore measurements of element variations... -
Magnetic susceptibility and Anhysteretic remanent magnetization in marine sed...
Magnetic measurements of U-channel samples were measured by the Bartington MS2 magnetic susceptibility system with an ASC auto-tracking rail and a cryogenic magnetometer (2G 755... -
Diatom sea ice index in marine sediment core MD01-2414 from the central Okhot...
The diatom valves were counted at magnifications of 1000 times; at least 400 valves were counted per sample. Percentages are based on the total diatom sum. The samples with poor...