Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
Chromosome evolution in invasive Spartina plants
Reticulate evolution (resulting from interspeci?c hybridization) and hybrid genome duplication (allopolyploidy) have long been recognized as major processes generatingnew... -
4x-6x genome expression
Evolution of 4x - 6x genome expression in Sporobolus -
Spartina maritima, Spartina alterniflora, Spartina x townsendii, Spartina x n...
Raw Illumina reads from RNA libraries of five hexaploid spartina species -
smallRNA Illumina sequencing
smallRNA libraries from leaves of 4 Sporobolus species sequenced with NextSeq500 (Illumina) 1x50bp