Foraminifera census counts at salt-marsch archive GeoHH-FK (Friedrichskoog, s...
Here we have evaluated and compared two benthic foraminiferal records derived from sedimentary salt-marsh archives from the south-eastern North Sea coast, covering the past ~100... -
The benthic foraminiferal community in a naturally CO2-rich coastal habitat o...
It is expected that the calcification of foraminifera will be negatively affected by the ongoing acidification of the oceans. Compared to the open oceans, these organisms are... -
Pollen data of trap CB4
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Pollen data of trap CB3
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Pollen data of trap CB2
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Pollen data of trap CB1
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Images of zooplankton in Comau Fjord, Chilean Patagonia
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Planktonic foraminifera assemblage data spanning the mid Pleistocene (400-800...
Planktonic foraminifera assemblage data spanning the mid Pleistocene (ca. 400-800 ka) of IODP Site 306-U1314 from the North Atlantic Ocean. The assemblage data were generated to... -
(Appendix) Planktonic foraminifera abundances in ODP Site 138-847B
Sediments from Site 847 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean provide a record of the variability of the equatorial divergence and associated upwelling. We interpret the... -
Planktonic foraminifera shell counts and weights from Labrador Sea in the upp...
Counts of planktonic foraminifera shells in the upper samples of three sediment cores from the Labrador Sea: HU2008-029-004TWC, HU91-045-93BX and MD99-2227. Foraminifera shells... -
Abundance counts of planktonic and benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 48-401
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(Annex 1) Species list and quantitative data of benthic foraminifera from sed...
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Modern benthic foraminifera census and grain-size of surface sediments offsho...
This dataset includes two procedures: grain-size measurements and modern (rose-bengal stained) benthic foraminifera census offshore Thwaites Glacier. Sediment underwent staining... -
Occurrences of fossil benthic foraminifera in sediment core GPC04 at the Nine...
We investigated benthic foraminifera in cores GPC03 and GPC04 in the northeast tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) over the past ~450 ka to evaluate the ballasting effect of particulate... -
High-resolution census data of Extinction Group species in the Late Pliocene-...
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High-resolution census data of Extinction Group species n the Late Pliocene-P...
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High-resolution census data of Extinction Group species in the Pliocene-Pleis...
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(Appendix Table 2) Raw counts of planktonic foraminiferal species from sedime...
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(Appendix F) Benthic foraminifera extinction group species in ODP Hole 162-982
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. For stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and CaCO3 data see Venz and Hodell (2002) dataset:... -
(Table 2) Absolute abundance of Contusotruncana contusa in DSDP Hole 74-527
For dry weight of sediment, fragments of planktonic foraminifera (DFP), number of whole planktonic foraminifera (PGS), total number of foraminifera used to calculate DFP and PGS...