Parallel Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Structure in Circumboreal Species ...
This project uses intensive sampling of RAD sequences (RAD-seq) to test for the role of geographic distance, both between and within continents, on population structure within... -
(Table 10) Floating fen- and shore-vegetation of Grosser Teufelssee, Teufelsmoor
Abundance: fruits and seeds: s = 1-2 pieces; m = 3-5 pieces; h = 6-14 pieces; H = > 15 pieces. Tissue: + = low abundances < 1% fruits and seeds of same species absent or... -
(Table 24) Vegetation cover in all relevés sampled along the Yamal Transect, ...
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(Abb 7.) Makro plant rests from profile Fichtelberg
Pollen zones after Firbas Ia-IVa. <1 means occurence and is not a value.