Grain size distribution of surface sediments in the Baltic Sea
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Granulometry in surface sediments of R/V Alkor cruise AL519/1
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Sedimentology of core IOW009602-2GC-4
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Sedimentology of core IOW211670-7
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Sedimentology of core IOW211670-4
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Sedimentology of core IOW211660-6
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Sedimentology of core IOW211630-9
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Sedimentology of core IOW211630-10
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Sedimentology of core IOW009602-1GC-2
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Sedimentology of core IOW211650-4
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Geochemistry of Holocene sediments at Yedoma cliff
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Grain sizes of bulk sediments of sediment core SO236_52-4
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(Table 1) Grain-size composition and parameters of turbidite samples of ODP L...
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Grain size analysis of sediment core Lz1005 (Table A9)
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Age determinations and sedimentology Arga Island, Lena Delta
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Age determinations and sedimentology Sagastyr Island, Lena Delta
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Sedimentology at Jepperies Island, Lena Delta
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Sedimentology at Tumatskaya branch, Lena Delta
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Age determinations and sedimentology Sardakh Island, Lena Delta
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Age determinations and sedimentology, Kurungnakh, Lena Delta
Ages at elevations of 8.8 m; 5.7 m and 4.3 m are dated by OSL