Timber Column Slab Solver
This dataset contains an agent-based exploration of the design space for modular slab and column systems. The primary objective is to equip designers with the ability to... -
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns: Agent-based Column Arrangement for Multi-Storey Str...
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system... -
ABxM.DistributedRobotics.RADr: Agent-based Design and Control of multiple Roa...
ABxM.DistributedRobotics.RADr is an add-on to ABxM.Core for agent-based design and control of multiple Roaming Autonomous Distributed robots (RADr) that assemble hexagonal... -
ABxM.PlateStructures: Agent-based Architectural Design of Plate Structures
ABxM.PlateStructures is an add-on to ABxM.Core for agent-based design and development of plate structures, such as segmented timber shells. The add-on contains various agent... -
Timber Column Slab Solver
This dataset contains an agent-based exploration of the design space for modular slab and column systems. The primary objective is to equip designers with the ability to... -
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns: Agent-based Column Arrangement for Multi-Storey Str...
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system... -
ABxM.DistributedRobotics.RADr: Agent-based Design and Control of multiple Roa...
ABxM.DistributedRobotics.RADr is an add-on to ABxM.Core for agent-based design and control of multiple Roaming Autonomous Distributed robots (RADr) that assemble hexagonal... -
ABxM.PlateStructures: Agent-based Architectural Design of Plate Structures
ABxM.PlateStructures is an add-on to ABxM.Core for agent-based design and development of plate structures, such as segmented timber shells. The add-on contains various agent...