Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rates of tropical zooxanthella...
Corals are globally important calcifiers that exhibit complex responses to anthropogenic warming and acidification. Although coral calcification is supported by high seawater... -
A hybrid-capture approach to resolve the phylogeny of Scleractinia (Cnidaria:...
Sequencing data from hybrid capture using Quek et al. (2020 Mol Ecol Res, 20:807-818) to establish a large coral phylogeny. -
Reef-building coral species harbour Chromera velia and apicomplexan “type-N” ...
Background: The coral holobiont is predominantly composed of the metabolically dependent coral host and the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium sp. The system as a whole... -
Pocillopora species delimitation
This project aims at exploring the species limits within the Pocillopora genus using genomics. -
ddRAD sequencing of Great Barrier Reef Stylophora pistillata
Raw sequencing data (ddRAD) for Stylophora pistillata individuals, belonging to divergent taxa, collected from several locations on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) -
Pocillopora damicornis, Pocillopora acuta, Pocillopora verrucosa, Pocillopora...
The goal of this study was to investigate species boundaries in the scleractinian genus, Pocillopora. We used ezRAD libraries from 13 Pocillopora individuals across 7 species... -
Anthopleura elegantissma, Fungia scutaria, Montastraea cavernosa, Seriatopora...
Transcriptome sequencing, de novo assembly, and annotation of four previously unsequenced Anthozoan species -
Ocean acidification rapidly reduces dinitrogen fixation associated with the h...
Since productivity and growth of coral-associated dinoflagellate algae is nitrogen (N)-limited, dinitrogen (N2) fixation by coral-associated microbes is likely crucial for...