Article data: How remote sensing choices influence ecosystem services monitor...
The enclosed data is linked to the article: del Río-Mena, T., Willemen, L., Vrieling, A., & Nelson, A. (2023). How remote sensing choices influence ecosystem services... -
Variance-based sensitivity analysis of BIOME-BGC for gross and net primary pr...
This research conducted variance-based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) of the process-based simulator BIOME-BGC for gross and net primary production (GPP and NPP) output in a... -
Meta-analysis in model implementation: choice sets and the valuation of air q...
This research illustrates how the methods developed for meta-analysis can serve to document and summarize voluminous information derived from repeated sensitivity analyses. Our... -
Assessing the credibility of instrumental variables inference with imperfect ...
Consistent instrumental variables (IV) estimation requires instruments uncorrelated with model errors, but this assumption is usually both suspect and untestable. Here the... -
Sensitivity study of the Nordic and Barents Seas Atlantis model
The dataset was created for exploring the sensitivity of nine key species to four key parameters within the Atlantis framework of the Nordic and Barents Sea. Each simulation is... -
Simulated sensitivity time series and model performance in three German catch...
The data sets contains the major results of the article “Improving information extraction from model data using sensitivity-weighted performance criteria“ written by Guse et al....