Perceived Threats and 'Stampedes': A Relational Model of Collective Fear Resp...
1, Oxford Street False Alarm, 24th November 2017 Collective false alarm incidents, where crowds of people flee from what they think is a shooter or similar hostile threat, are... -
Exploring the Psychological Drivers and Impact of Public Health Communication...
This project was funded as part of UKRI’s rapid response to COVID-19 to provide real-time data to support the development of tailored public health guidance about the COVID-19... -
Experimental Data for Psychological Research: Investigating Effect of Process...
Our mental representation of the passage of time is structured by concepts of spatial motion, including an ego-moving perspective in which the self is perceived as approaching... -
Perceiving Greater Commitment Increases Selfishness Among Disagreeable People...
The extent to which people believe their partners are committed to the relationship (i.e., perceived partner commitment) may influence the extent to which people behave in a... -
Improving Difficult Social Interactions by Understanding Fears and Language U...
These data come from a series of surveys that all relate to understanding the difficulties people have in talking to each other. We investigated: - what concerns/fears people... -
Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research : Prospects and Limits, 199...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This project drew its inspiration from what was felt to be a growth in the number of investigations... -
Negotiating Midlife: Exploring the Subjective Experience of Ageing, 2006-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This is a qualitative data collection. This project explored the subjective experience of ageing with a... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of scratching be...
Research into ‘contagion’ has been applied to a range of different behaviours. However, the failure to explain the apparent group-boundaries present in ‘passive’ social... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of scratching be...
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between shared social identity and the transmission of behaviour via observation alone. The study used a 1x3 design... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of scratching be...
Research into ‘contagion’ has been applied to a range of different behaviours. However, the failure to explain the apparent group-boundaries present in ‘passive’ social... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of scratching be...
Research into ‘contagion’ has been applied to a range of different behaviours. However, the failure to explain the apparent group-boundaries present in ‘passive’ social... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of scratching be...
Research into ‘contagion’ has been applied to a range of different behaviours. However, the failure to explain the apparent group-boundaries present in ‘passive’ social... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study was designed to investigate the role of social influence on the transmission of behaviour. The study was carried out online and compared the degree to which the... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study was designed to investigate the role of social influence on the transmission of behaviour. The study was carried out online and compared the degree to which the... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study investigated the degree to which social identity influenced the transmission of behaviour, specifically yawning behaviour. This was an online experimental study that... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 1, 2016-...
This experiment was the first of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 2, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 3, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 4, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
Shared group membership predicts unintended social influence in a novel inter...
This study used an innovative design which presented a large number of participants (N = 1139) with the opportunity to take part in an interactive game which measured the degree...