Multispectral Imaging Data of Ms. or. quart. 1105 and Ms. or. quart. 1121 of ...
Multispectral Imaging Data of selected areas of erased writing of Ms. or. quart. 1105 3r and 5r and Ms. or. quart. 1121 2r captured on the 31 of May 2017 at... -
Brief Descriptions of Multispectral Imaging (MSI) Datasets
Both description files describe the MSI data, folder structure, file naming system and the multispectral imaging system itself with its main components and calibration... -
Multispektraler Datensatz zu der Handschrift Zentralbibliothek Zürich, RP 3 "...
The manuscript RP3 of the Zentralbibliothek in Zurich contains six love letters, the ‘Zürcher Liebesbriefe’ (‘Zurich Love Letters’) and one... -
Multispectral Imaging Data from CSMC Test Fragment, Testing for High Dynamic ...
10 sets of multispectral imaging data taken at same settings of the same object to experiment with a novel approach for HDR image creation and for verification of system... -
Multispectral Imaging Data from CSMC Test Fragment in Low DPI
Multispectral data of CSMC test fragment. low resolution tests. below 500dpi The research for project C01 was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German... -
Multispectral Data for Characteristics of Sizing Materials Used in Persian Me...
Multispectral dataset for Characterizing of Sizing Materials Used in Persian Medieval Manuscripts Dataset contains raw image data as well as evaluated spectral data... -
Multispectral Imaging Data of Manuscripts Ms. Bos. q. 19, Ms. El. f. 83, Ms. ...
Multispectral Imaging Data of following objects owned by the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ThULB) in Jena: Manuscripts: Ms. Bos. q. 19 Ms.... -
The inks of "Der Welsche Gast": non-invasive analysis by XRF spectroscopy and...
Abstract: For the first time, the palaeographic/codicological analysis of three manuscripts of "Der Welsche Gast" were scientifically confirmed by non-invasive... -
Scientific analysis of three manuscripts of "Der Welsche Gast", Universitätsb...
Ink analysis was performed in November 2018 on Cod. Pal. germ. 330 and Cod. Pal. germ. 389 at Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg and on Cod.poet.et.phil.fol.1... -
Tracing Trecento Music in the 19th Century. Scientific Analysis of Manuscript...
Presentation at the international workshop ‘Analogical and digital: perspectives on paleography and handwritten culture nowadays’ held in Getafe,... -
Manuscript Illumination in 19th-century Italy. Material Analysis of Two Parti...
The illuminations in two Italian manuscripts are still a mystery today. Both manuscripts were based fully or partly on the Florentine Squarcialupi Codex (Florence, Biblioteca... -
Scientific Analysis of two Sacral Examples of Goldsmiths' Art (Inv.-Nr. 1879....
Scientific analysis was performed with mobile instruments in February (2 days) and August (5 days) 2018 at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MKG). The... -
Der Effekt von Farbfassungen auf zwei sakralen Goldschmiedearbeiten im Museum...
It is already possible to detect partial traces of paint or tiny particles of pigment with the naked eye or under a microscope on two medieval reliquaries in the MKG. This... -
Der Effekt von Farbfassung auf zwei sakralen Goldschmiedearbeiten im Museum f...
Presentation at the international conference ‘Farbfassungen auf Goldschmiedearbeiten’ held in Dresden, 14–16 November 2018, at the... -
Scientific Analysis of Manuscript Atri, Archivio Capitolare, Museo della Basi...
Scientific analysis of this fragment was performed during the workshop ‘Liturgical Books and Music Manuscripts with Polyphonic Settings of the Mass in Medieval... -
Scientific Analysis of Manuscript Fragment Düsseldorf, Kunstpalast, Inv. K 19...
This dataset was created in the context of the following study: Sebastian Bosch and Andreas Janke, “Manuscript Illumination in 19th-century Italy. Material Analysis... -
Scientific Analysis of Manuscript Toronto, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, M...
This dataset was created in the context of the following study: Sebastian Bosch and Andreas Janke, “Manuscript Illumination in 19th-century Italy. Material Analysis... -
The Atri Fragment Revisited I: Multispectral Imaging and Ink Identification
This paper reports the outcome of an interdisciplinary team’s application of multispectral imaging techniques and material analysis to a music fragment from the first... -
IMC Leeds 2019: Scientific service project Z02 at the CSMC: Material-science ...
Material Science Methods for Reconstructing the History of Manuscripts In two sessions, members and associates of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) in... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 20 µA, spot measurements of 30-60s each), and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of pigments from miniatures of...