Slovensko javno mnenje 1986
Vprašalnik se začne s sklopom vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na primerjavo življenja pred petimi leti. Naslednji sklop je namenjen delu in nagrajevanju; respondenti povejo, ali so... -
Slovensko javno mnenje 1987
Prvo poglavje vprašalnika vsebuje z oceno gospodarskih in družbenih razmer. Cel sklop vprašanj je namenjen ustavnim spremembam. Respondenti izrazijo svoj odnos do tehnike,... -
Slovensko javno mnenje 1994/5
Empirična raziskava o nacionalni varnosti (na vzorcu 1050 polnoletnih državljanov Slovenije) je zajela naslednje vsebine: mir in varnost v svetu (problem virov ogrožanja... -
Global uncertainties: Security in an Africa of networked, multi-level governance
The programme of research centres on how the various institutions responsible for the production of security and the management of conflict in Sub-Saharan African societies do,... -
Law, terrorism and the right to know
Law, Terrorism and the Right to Know (LTRK) was a three year research programme funded by the ESRC and AHRC under the RCUK Global Uncertainties Fellowships in Ideas and Beliefs... -
The formulation and non-formulation of security concerns: preventing the dest...
We researched the former secret Apartheid-chemical and biological weapons programme - code name 'Project Coast' - in order to understand how it has and has not been treated as... -
The construction of security concerns and non-concerns in synthetic biology
A collection of interviews and media about the ways that security concerns are constructed and 'taken care of' within the synthetic biology community. The interviews represent... -
Transforming insecurity through nonviolent grassroots networks
Audio of interviews with public campaigning political figures who want to be named and want their views to be known publicly. The interviewees were expressing their public... -
Religion, volunteering, and reconciliation in Northern Ireland: A national study
This dataset presented contains information from a telephone survey conducted in Dec 2005-Feb 2006 on a representative sample of 1500 Northern Irish adults. The survey sought... -
Religion, martyrdom and global uncertainties - Part 1: Leadership interviews
This data collection consists of 22 interview transcripts with leading researchers on topics relating to the interface between religion and security conducted in 2013. Most of...