Counts and mass of different fish species from beam trawl samples in the East...
Depth, water was calculated as mean from bathymetric depths at start/end of trawl -
Tinca tinca (tench), genomic and transcriptomic data
This project collects the genomic and transcriptomic data generated for Tinca tinca, common name tench, to facilitate genome assembly and annotation as part of the Darwin Tree... -
Gut vertebrate gut archaeal community assessment via archaea-targeting 16S rR...
Commonly used 16S rRNA primers miss much of the archaeal diversity present in the vertebrate gut, leaving open the question of which archaea are host associated, the... -
Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
Identification of a genetic sex marker in the roach (Rutilus rutilus) using R...
Oestrogenic wastewater treatment works (WwTW) effluents discharged into UK rivers have been shown to affect sexual development, including inducing intersex, in wild roach and... -
Whole genomic data for cyprinid fishes
Whole genomic data for cyprinid fishes for the screening of gene families (e.g. parvalbumins). -
Can roach, Rutilus rutilus, adapt to the harmful effects of oestrogen exposur...
The overall aim of the project is to examine whether exposure of roach populations to oestrogenic WwTW effluents over multiple generations has resulted in genetic selection, and... -
Ray-finned fishes Targeted loci
Develop 4434 exon loci for phylogenomic studies of ray-finned fishes at different taxonomic level -
Transcriptome profile analyses of head kidney in roach (Rutilus rutilus), com...
Hybrid generations usually face either a heterosis advantage or a breakdown that can be expressed by the level of parasite infection in hybrid hosts. Hybrids are less infected... -
Rutilus rutilus Transcriptome or Gene expression
Living samples of R. rutilus were collected using gill nets from the downstream (near Kazakhstan) of the Irtysh River located in Sinkiang, northwest China. Total RNAs from... -
Order Cypriniformes, fish Raw sequence reads
Anchored enrichment of cypriniform fishes -
Shot gun sequencing of genomes of Iberian freshwater fish species
We produced a reference database of whole genome sequences of freshwater fish species from Portuguese rivers. We also included some species from other European countries. This... -
Reference sequences for Australian freshwater fishes: Genome sequencing and a...
Reference genome datasets for Australian freshwater fishes to inform captive breeding and restocking programs, life history studies and ecological research into the status of... -
Allopatric and sympatric diversification within roach (Rutilus rutilus) of la...
The possibility for intraspecific diversification, has until now rarely been evaluated for most of the other northern freshwater fish species. Here, we assess the potential for... -
Rutilus rutilus Genome sequencing and assembly
Chromosome-level genome assembly for the Common Roach, Rutilus rutilus -
Analysis of SNP variation in candidate genes to identify genes associated wit...
To overall aim of the project is to examine whether exposure of roach populations to estrogenic wastewater (WwTW) effluents over multiple generations has resulted in genetic... -
Large scale metagenome assembly reveals novel animal-associated microbial div...
Large-scale metagenome assemblies of human microbiomes have produced a huge catalogue of previously unseen genomic data, but has been applied to only a few of the >66 000... -
Rutilus rutilus (roach minnow), genomic and transcriptomic data
This project collects the genomic and transcriptomic data generated for Rutilus rutilus, common name roach minnow, to facilitate genome assembly and annotation as part of the...