Data for: Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli Rel...
The DaRUS repository entails and supplements the simulation data, MATLAB model and graphics for the publication: "Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli... -
Unaligned Cryo-Electronmicroscopy multiframe-movies of BH062
Unaligned Cryo-Electronmicroscopy multiframe-movies of BH062. Titan Krios 300 kV 0.8 pixelsize -
A conundrum of r-protein stability: unbalanced stoichiometry of r-proteins du...
Here we show that a specific set of r-proteins are rapidly degraded after release from the rRNA. The degradation of r-proteins is an intriguing new aspect of r-protein...