Formic Acid Sandwich Method Is Well-suited for Filamentous Fungi Identificati...
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is extensively employed for the identification filamentous fungi on MALDI Biotyper... -
ISS Rodent Microbiome and Associated Samples
The microbiome of rodents and associated samples on the international space station Strains obtained from pure cultures. Not metagenomic assemblies -
Tobacco target spot-disease severity-ITS
Tobacco target spot-disease severity -
Impact of polystyrene microplastics in soil properties, microbial community c...
Our aimed is to investigate the effects of different sizes of PSMPS on soil properties, bacterial and fungal community alongwith key ecological functions -
Biocontrol of cucumber Fusarium wilt and root-knot incidences by crop rotation
In this study, different crop rotations were used to evaluate their ecological effects on cucumber fusarium wilt, root-knot nematode incidences, and host fungal microbiome... -
Impacts of reductive soil disinfestation, biochar and microbial inoculation i...
In this study, our objective is to understand how RSD treatment together with biochar and microbial application contribute to soil-borne pathogen suppression via changes of soil...