Global Research Data Repositories: Distribution, Software Platforms, and Orga...
This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of various research data repositories, detailing their geographical locations, associated software, and the nature of data they... -
Interview Data on Researchers' Research Data Management Needs Across the Rese...
This data package contains transcripts of 35 interviews with researchers from various disciplines and with various experience levels as well as cross-disciplinary support staff... -
RDA Europe Data Innovation Forum Report Jan 2018 - RDA Europe 3
The RDA Data Innovation Forum was held in Brussels, Belgium, on January 30th 2018, bringing together a diverse audience composed of researchers, private sector and policy... -
RDA Europe Science Workshop Report 2017 - RDA Europe 3
Fourth RDA Europe Science Workshop: The opportunities and challenges of open data for research London, UK, 25-26 April, 2017 This report summarizes the outcomes of the RDA... -
Anketa o zadovoljstvu uporabnikov ADP, 2016
Cilj raziskave je preučiti zadovoljstvo uporabnikov s storitvami Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov (ADP) in priporočiti korake razvoja organizacije z namenom izboljšanja storitev.... -
Data Papers as a New Form of Knowledge Organization in the Field of Research ...
In order to analyse specific features of data papers, we established a representative sample of data journals, based on lists from the European FOSTER Plus project , the German... -
Research Data Publishing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
This dataset contains background data for a small study about how the recommendations for how to increase the FAIRness of research data are being adopted in scientific/scholarly... -
Linking full-text grey literature to underlying research and post-publication...
1. The Project This project seeks to circumvent the data vs. documents camp in the grey literature community by way of a middle ground provided through enhanced publications.... -
Beoordeling data-samenwerkingsomgevingen
Beoordeling (potentiele) data-samenwerkingsomgevingen / data-collaboratories [Dataverse Network, Sharepoint, Dropbox, netwerkschijven, TU/e Persoonlijk repository,...