Anketa o zadovoljstvu uporabnikov ADP, 2016
Cilj raziskave je preučiti zadovoljstvo uporabnikov s storitvami Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov (ADP) in priporočiti korake razvoja organizacije z namenom izboljšanja storitev.... -
Global Research Data Repositories: Distribution, Software Platforms, and Orga...
This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of various research data repositories, detailing their geographical locations, associated software, and the nature of data they... -
Data Papers as a New Form of Knowledge Organization in the Field of Research ...
In order to analyse specific features of data papers, we established a representative sample of data journals, based on lists from the European FOSTER Plus project , the German... -
Research Data Publishing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
This dataset contains background data for a small study about how the recommendations for how to increase the FAIRness of research data are being adopted in scientific/scholarly... -
Linking full-text grey literature to underlying research and post-publication...
1. The Project This project seeks to circumvent the data vs. documents camp in the grey literature community by way of a middle ground provided through enhanced publications.... -
Beoordeling data-samenwerkingsomgevingen
Beoordeling (potentiele) data-samenwerkingsomgevingen / data-collaboratories [Dataverse Network, Sharepoint, Dropbox, netwerkschijven, TU/e Persoonlijk repository,... -
RDA Europe Science Workshop Report 2017 - RDA Europe 3
Fourth RDA Europe Science Workshop: The opportunities and challenges of open data for research London, UK, 25-26 April, 2017 This report summarizes the outcomes of the RDA... -
RDA Europe Data Innovation Forum Report Jan 2018 - RDA Europe 3
The RDA Data Innovation Forum was held in Brussels, Belgium, on January 30th 2018, bringing together a diverse audience composed of researchers, private sector and policy...