Seawater carbonate chemistry and diatom aggregation when exposed to crude oil...
Roller table experiments with Thalassiosira pseudonana, a small centric diatom, were conducted to produce marine snow aggregates in six treatments: Control (pCO2 = 400 ppm), OA... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and polyspermy of a broadcast spawning bivalve
Ensuring that oocytes are fertilized by a single sperm during broadcast spawning is crucial for the fertilization success of many marine invertebrates. Although the adverse... -
CO2-induced fertilization impairment in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis col...
Fertilization depends on distribution and aggregation patterns of sea urchins which influence gamete contact time and may potentially enhance their vulnerability to ocean... -
Enzyme activity during a mesocosm experiment in the Peruvian upwelling system...
The data is from a mesocosm experiment set up outside Lima, Peru to study the influence of upwelling of oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) water.The mesocosm bags were 2 m in diameter... -
Sialidase assay and analysis of free sialic acid in tsetse (Glossina sp.) col...
This data set includes results of a sialidase assay applied in tsetse gut tissue from a tsetse (Glossina sp.) collection carried out in Nigeria between 2014 and 2016. Traps were... -
(Table 3) Organic petrography of core samples from the Jurassic black shale s...
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(Table 1) Reflectance of vitrinite and flourescence of liptinite of organocla...
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