LC-Quartier ist ein lebenszyklusbasiertes Berechnungstool für Treibhausgasemissionen und kumulierten Energieaufwand für Wohnquartiere. Es basiert auf „synthetischen Quartieren“... -
LC-Quartier ist ein lebenszyklusbasiertes Berechnungstool für Treibhausgasemissionen und kumulierten Energieaufwand für Wohnquartiere. Es basiert auf „synthetischen Quartieren“... -
Logistikflächenpotenziale in der Metropolregion Rheinland
Datensatzbeschreibung Zur Ermittlung und Qualifikation der Logistikpotenzialflächen in der Metropolregion Rheinland wurden die in den Regionalplänen (bzw. Planentwürfen)... -
Supplementary Material: Urban Data Platforms and Resilience in German Smart C...
This item contains supplementary material for the paper Urban Data Platforms and Resilience in German Smart Cities. -
Supplementary Material (Code): Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution Sy...
This repository contains Jupyter notebooks that use the original datasets used to generate the results presented in the paper "Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution... -
Supplementary Material (Data): Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution Sy...
This dataset contains the data for the paper "Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution Systems Really Assess Resilience? A Critical Review". It contains the table with the... -
Urbane Datenplattformen in Deutschland
Tabelle mit urbanen Datenplattformen und Auswahl der Städte -
Appendix E Alternative Signal Programs for Test Sites
The original files of the alternative traffic signal programs for test sites are compiled in this Appendix. -
Supplementary Data Table S1: Meta-analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries
This data table contains literature values regarding the specific energy and greenhouse gas emissions during production and end-of-life of lithium-ion batteries. -
Umfragedaten zu "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities"
Die Online-Umfrage "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities" wurde vom Konsortium NFDI4Ing (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften,... -
Supplementary Data Table S2: Meta-analysis of Fuels
The data table contains several literature values regarding the densities, fuely supply greenhouse gas emissions and direct fuel greenhouse gas emissions. The considered fuels... -
Time-lapse videos of pre-and post traffic calming scenarios on Mainkai
The data relates to the traffic calming study on northern Mainkai riverfront in 2019-20. -
Code Publication for Methods to assess Spatio-Temporal Changes of Slum Popula...
This publication contains all software used for assessing the spatio-temporal changes of slum population as published in https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4106192. The publishers... -
Water Distribution in a Socio-Technical System: Resilience Assessment for Cri...
The data set contains raw simulation data as well as aggregated results for the study "Water Distribution in a Socio-Technical System: Resilience Assessment for Critical Events...