Microdomains in model membranes using contrast variation SANS
In the present proposal small angle neutron scattering will be used in combination with contrast variation as a non-invasive method to detect the presence and size formation of... -
Effect of reversing lipid head group charge on vesicular properties
Zwitterionic lipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) are major components of the membranes that compartmentalize organisms. Although there is a large literature on PC, cationic... -
Interaction of polypeptides with surfactants: aqueous solution aggregation
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding how collagen based polypeptides interact with ionic surfactants using SANS. Both SDS and C12TAB will be... -
Structure of siRNA containing delivery vehicles: effect of serum
Complexes prepared from cationic, dichain lipid (L) vesicles and negatively charged siRNA (R), with and without positively chargely targeting peptides (P) known as LR or LPR...