Direct evidence for ligand-enhanced activity of Cu(I) sites
The dataset consists of Infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectra of Cu+(H2O)(H2)n (with n ≤ 3) and its isotopologue measured on the Leipzig 5 K ring-electrode ion-trap... -
Python code for processing MODIS satellite data to study anthropogenic glacia...
The given python code is used to analyse anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds downwind of strong industrial point sources of air pollution using Terra... -
Side-Channel Based Intrusion Detection for Industrial Control Systems: Python...
Python & MATLAB source code to capture traces & generate the results used in 'Side-Channel Based Intrusion Detection for Industrial Control Systems'... -
Compromised through Compression: Python source code for DLMS compression priv...
Python code (for Python 3.9 & Pandas 1.3.2) to generate the results used in "Compromised through Compression: Privacy Implications of Smart Meter Traffic Analysis". Smart... -
Python Program for generating Multi Layer CMYK Base Color Print Pages
Diese Software umfasst ein Python-Skript, das für die automatische Generierung mehrerer spezieller Druckseiten verwendet wird. Mittels Design of Experiments (DoE) generiert das... -
Exemplary FOFS output data of experiments on simultaneous recording of filtra...
Data sets are outputs of two experiments (each experiment includes two or more temporally replicated trials - named by date) that were conducted using a newly developed... -
Data and code: Motility-induced coexistence of a hot liquid and a cold gas
If two phases exist at the same time, such as a gas and a liquid, they have the same temperature. This fundamental law of equilibrium physics is known to apply even to many... -
ELDAM: A Python software for Life Cycle Inventory data management
Source code of ELDAM (ELsa DAta Manager), a software developed in Python to manage Life Cycle Inventory (LCI). The purpose of ELDAM is to allow better LCI documentation,... -
Analyse, Planung und Umsetzung einer verteilten Informationsarchitektur für e...
Dieser Datensatz enthält die Software, welche im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit entstanden ist. Für ein neues Bürogebäude am Helmholtz-Zentrum... -
Yamdb - Yet Another Materials DataBase
Yamdb (Yet Another Materials Database/YAMl materials DataBase) is a Python library providing thermophysical properties of liquid metals and molten salts in an easily accessible... -
Rheometric Analysis of Viscous Material Mixtures Used in the Tectonic Laborat...
This dataset contains measurements of viscous and viscoelastic materials that are used for analogue modelling. Proper density and viscosity scaling of ductile layers in the... -
Debugging Tool for MILP and MIQCP formulations: obtaining constraints respons...
Optimization problems, in this case written in Pyomo, with modeling errors can lead to infeasibility of the model. From the perspective of the modeler, it is therefore essential... -
Neuron Yield Spectra simulated with Monte Carlo code
Monte Carlo Data created by PHITS 3.28A. Simulations were used to investigate large parameterspaces relevant for subspallation neutron production. The data was used in a PhD... -
Modelling of alternative materials for enhanced magnetic fluid hyperthermia
An in-house developed framework based on Python JupyterLab, to find the magnetic fluid hyperthermia maximum power dissipation and optimum particle size for each investigated... -
Data and Software - Synchronizing the Rayleigh-Benard Instability in a Liquid...
Data and software of the dissertation (to be) submitted to TU Ilmenau by Peter Jüstel. -
fseval - A Benchmarking Framework for Feature Selection and Feature Ranking ...
The fseval Python package allows benchmarking Feature Selection and Feature Ranking algorithms on a large scale, and facilitates the comparison of multiple algorithms in a... -
High Frequency Radar data visualization (Copernicus Marine Service)
Python code snippets illustrating how to visualize High Frequency Radar data. This material was first published and shared trough github for it to be used in the frame of the... -
Crawling/Scraping mit R und Python
Der Kurs widmet sich den informationstechnischen Methoden des „crawling“ und „scraping“, welche innerhalb der sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen... -
Generating a tide-like flow in a cylindrical vessel by electromagnetic forcin...
The two 7z Archives contain experimental data and the corresponding evaluation software, as well as the code and setup of the numerical part of the paper "Generating a... -
DASF: A data analytics software framework for distributed environments
The success of scientific projects increasingly depends on using data analysis tools and data in distributed IT infrastructures. Scientists need to use appropriate data analysis...