Last interglacial and penultimate glacial sea surface temperature anomalies f...
Southern Ocean marine sediments provide an important archive of Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate changes. Sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions in the Southern... -
Compilation of high-resolution Holocene Mg/Ca and Uk37 SST reconstructions
This dataset contains the collection of published Uk'37, Uk37 and Mg/Ca records spanning the mid-to late Holocene and used in the analyses of Laepple&Huybers, EPSL 2014 and... -
PlioVAR glacial-interglacial summaries by proxy
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PlioVAR changepoint analysis
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PlioVAR KM5c, M2 sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies
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PlioVAR sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly calculation
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Compilations of semi-quantitative glacial bottom water oxygen in Arabian Sea ...
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Alkane distribution in ancient permafrost deposits at the Batagay Megaslump, ...
Paq: aquatic organic matter proxy based on n-alkanes.This dataset presents the alkane concentrations (range: n-C17 to n-C33) from 30 sediment samples which are given in µg/g... -
Surface Carbonate Chemistry of the Red Sea (offshore and coastal)
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions... -
Replication data: Challenges and benefits of including the institutionalized,...
+++++++++++++++ Version 1.0.0 of the study is outdated and therefore not available any longer . Please use the revised version 2.0.0 here . +++++++++++++++... -
Replication data: Challenges and benefits of including institutionalized, cog...
Institutionalization, cognitive impairment, and the inability to conduct an interview due to health impairment are among the top exclusion criteria for most large-scale social... -
Middle Eocene to early Oligocene geochemical temperature proxies
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Biomarker distributions and proxies at Cobham, UK
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Atmospheric pCO2 compilation for the the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene
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