KOSMOS mesocosm experiment Gran Canaria 2019 on testing the effect of nutrien...
Microzooplankton (microZP, protists) and mesozooplankton (mesoZP, metazoans) abundances and biomass as well as presence of domoic acid (DA, phycotoxin) during the mesocosm... -
Mikroplankton abundance on the northern Patagonian shelf (Argentina) during a...
At each study station, surface water temperature (±0.2°C) and salinity (±0.06) were measured in situ by triplicate readings with a multiparameter probe (Horiba U-10, Japan).... -
Biomass and oxygen flux at stations BS1, BS2 and BM4 in the North East Atlantic
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Biological time series data obtained from Point B
The following people are Co-PIs: for heterotrophic bacteria, prochlorococcus, synechococcus, pico-eukaryotes: Marie-Luiza Pedrotti (pedrotti@obs-vlfr); for small other... -
(Table 1) 100 m integrated temperature, chlorophyll a content and protist bio...
We present a study on the protozooplankton >5 µm and copepods larger than 50 µm at a series of contrasting stations across the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO). Numerically, over...