Academic Careers in Prussia and in Germany 1850 to 1945
Under the title “Data Handbook of Academic Careers between 1850-1945”, this study aims at the publication and analysis of data concerning the individual steps of six great... -
Monitor Digital Education - Job Training in Digital Age - Training School Hea...
For the first time, the monitor digital education provides a comprehensive and representative empirical data base on the status of digitalized learning in the various... -
Monitor Digital Education - Job Training in Digital Age - Training School Tea...
For the first time, the monitor digital education provides a comprehensive and representative empirical data base on the status of digitalized learning in the various... -
Monitor Digital Education - College in Digital Age - Teachers
The Digital Education Monitor (Monitor Digitale Bildung) creates for the first time a comprehensive and representative empirical database on the state of digitized learning in... -
Monitor Digital Education - College in Digital Age - College Management and A...
The Digital Education Monitor (Monitor Digitale Bildung) creates for the first time a comprehensive and representative empirical database on the state of digitized learning in... -
Monitor Digital Education - Further Training in Digital Age - Training Providers
Use of digital learning forms and learning concepts in further education. Evaluation of digital learning. Strategic assessments on the digitisation of the further training... -
Monitor Digital Education - Further Training in Digital Age - Teachers
Use of digital learning forms and learning concepts in further education. Evaluation of digital learning. Strategic assessments on the digitisation of the further training... -
Grades at German Universities 1950 – 2010
The goal of the DFG project ´The Grading at German Universities from the 1960s to today. Trends, differences, causes ´(MU 1625/7) was to examine whether there are systematic...