Targeted sequencing in the Nitrogen-Fixing Clade Part 13
Raw sequencing reads from herbarium specimens collected for the study "Shifts in evolutionary lability underlie independent gains and losses of root-nodule symbiosis in a single... -
(Supplement Table S2) Abundance of plant species (raw data) for 147 releves a...
Braun-Blandquet cover-abundance scores were transformed to percentages: r=1, +=2, 1=3, 2=13, 3=38, 4=68, 5=88. -
List of plant species found on Victoria Island
While engaged in geoecological field work on Victoria Island, 277 new plants could be recorded for the vicinities of Holman, Cambridge Bay, Wellington Bay, Mt. Pelly, Richardson... -
(Supplement Table 3) Percentage cover abundance of plants recorded at the Fel...
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(Supplement Table 2) Percentage frequency of plants recorded at the Fell-fiel...
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