Portunus pelagicus
Biomaterial provider: Demian Willette<br><hr> SPAdes preassembly<br> Decontaminated FSCR<br> Zanfona<br> Accession: JAWWMC000000000 -
Brains and ventral nerve cords sequencing of the fasting and normal blue swim...
This study was aimed to compare the gene expression in the pooled brain and ventral nerve cord between the 3-day-fasting and normal crabs. -
Portunus pelagicus mtDNA heteroplasmy
This project aimed to reveal mtDNA heteroplasmy in mtCR, mtCOI and mtND2 of Portunus pelagicus. -
The study goals was to evaluate the genetic diversity , population structure and historic migration pattern of P. pelagicus along the Vietnamese coastline -
Brachyuran phylotranscriptomics
This project uses transcriptomic data to construction phylogeny of true crabs (infraorder Brachyura). -
CNS Transcriptome
The transcriptome of the central nervous system of crab. -
SNP markers of Portunus pelagicus based on the RAD sequencing
Identification of sex-linked SNP markers of Portunus pelagicus based on the RAD sequencing-AQ