4 datasets found

Keywords: Plectocomiopsis geminiflora

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  • A robust phylogenomic framework for the calamoid palms

    Raw sequence data for A robust phylogenomic framework for the calamoid palms (Kuhnhäuser et al. (2021), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution....
  • RattanID - genome skimming

    Raw phylogenomic sequence data for the calamoid palms at species and population level. DNA sequencing was performed using genome skimming.
  • RattanID - target capture

    Raw phylogenomic sequence data for the calamoid palms at species and population level. Targeted sequence capture was conducted by hybridisation of libraries to a bait cocktail...
  • Data for release 1.0 of the Kew Tree of Life Explorer

    The Kew Tree of Life Explorer allows users to explore evolutionary trees of life and to access the genomic data that underpin them. It is an output of the Plant and Fungal Trees...
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