Characterization of the neutron imaging parameters on INES
The aim of the proposal is the quantitative determination of the geometrical parameters and count rate parameters of an imaging device on INES. The measurements will provide the... -
The interaction of Plant Defensins with Model Lipid Membranes : Understanding...
Plants do not have the sophisticated immunoglobulin immune systems of vertibrates, instead they posses a series of stimuli based responses which defend against pathogentic... -
The role of tryptophan in puroindoline/purothionin cooperative binding to bio...
The puroindoline (PIN) and purothionin (PTH) families of polypeptides both occur in wheat and are implicated in antipathogenic defence mechanisms, and of interest for potential... -
Purothionins Perturb Bacterial Membrane Function via Ion Channel Formation
Purothionins are a family of cationic cystiene rich plant defence proteins which have been shown to have a wide spectrum of activity due their ability to permeate cellular...