In situ video observations to assess the cephalopod biodiversity of Cabo Verde
Pelagic video transects with the Pelagic In-Situ Observation System (PELAGIOS, (Hoving et al., 2019a)) were conducted during the cruises MSM49 (Christiansen et al., 2016)... -
Pyrosoma atlanticum organism annotations of PELAGIOS video transects during P...
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Stomach content data of the orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus from samp...
The explanation list for the stomach fullness: 0 = empty; 1 = traces of food; 2 = less than half full; 3 = more than half full; 4 = full; 5 = crammed with walls... -
Stable isotope data of the orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus from sampl...
Maturation stage is listed in the paper: Lipinski MR, Underhill LG. Sexual maturation in squid: quantum or continuum? South African J Mar Sci. 1995; 15: 207-223.... -
Video observations of a bathypelagic cirrate octopod Cirroteuthis muelleri
These data are video observations of a bathypelagic cirrate octopod C. muelleri performed by remote operating vehicles (ROVs) and PELAGIOS towed camera system. Supplementary... -
Gelatinous zooplankton annotations of pelagic video transects in the Fram Str...
We collected optical datasets during horizontal video transects with the Pelagic In Situ Observation System (PELAGIOS), a towed camera system, deployed at different localities... -
Gelatinous zooplankton annotations of pelagic video transects in the Fram Str...
We collected optical datasets during horizontal video transects with the Pelagic In Situ Observation System (PELAGIOS), a towed camera system, deployed at different localities... -
Images of pelagic organisms observed by PELAGIOS during Maria S. Merian cruis...
The video that was collected in November and December 2015 during horizontal transects with the PELAGIOS towed camera system during cruise MSM49 in waters around Cabo Verde in... -
Distribution and abundance of pelagic organisms observed by PELAGIOS during M...
Pelagic observations were collected via horizontal video transects using the pelagic in situ observation system PELAGIOS from 50-1000 m during MSM49. The collected video was... -
Organism annotations of pelagic video transects at Senghor flank NW: Comparis...
The data involves annotations with the MBARI VARS annotation software of pelagic HD video transects obtained by the pelagic in situ observations system PELAGIOS. PELAGIOS is a... -
Organism annotations of pelagic video transects at Senghor flank NW: transect...
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Organism annotations of pelagic video transects at Senghor flank NW: observat...
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