Density, biomass and diversity of the diatom community at Faro, Creek and Isl...
For benthic microalgae (microphytobenthos, MPB) community analyses, triplicates of small sediment cores (10 cm length, 3.6 cm diameter) were taken at the stations Faro, Creek... -
Relative abundances of diatoms from three stations at Potter Cove, King Georg...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2. Diatoms were prepared following Renberg (1990, doi:10.1007/BF00208301) and imbedded in Naphrax®. Diatoms were... -
(Table 1) Presence of sublittoral macroalgae in the investigated profiles in ...
The vegetation of a small fjord and its adjacent open shore was documented by subaquatic video. The distribution of individual species of macroalgae and the composition of... -
Diatoms and silicoflagellates abundances in the sediment core A12-5 from Amur...
Diatoms and silicoflagellates from sediments in Amur Bay (Japan Sea) were analyzed with high temporal resolution to examine changes over the last 150 years. The age of sediments...