Geospatial data for: The atlas of unburnable oil for supply-side climate poli...
Layers derived from geospatial analysis results conducted for the development of the Atlas of Unburnable Oil for supply-side climate policies. It encompasses layers depicting... -
Towards a regulatory framework for climate smart agriculture (part I: evaluat...
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska curie grant agreement No. 655565.Between now... -
Der lange Weg bis zu Aussagen in völkerrechtlich bindenden Umweltabkommen zu ...
The long road to statements in international agreements on technical binding environmental agreements on technical interventions in the climate system: The hesitant global... -
Climate Engineering im Urteil von Experten und der öffentlichen Meinung
Climate engineering in the judgement of experts and public opinion: Limiting human-caused climate change has become a key issue in world politics and public debate. The focus is... -
Know your Business
Classical economic growth makes way for other values. Such as people, planet and prosperity. This is necessary for a liveable planet and a sustainable economy. We face a major... -
Projected ocean carbon cycle and ocean acificiation for given temperature tar...
The files provide the model output from Bern3D-LPX forced with the Adaptive Emission Reduction Approach (AERA) that are presented in Terhaar et al. (2023). The AERA (Terhaar et... -
Bern3D-LPX simulations with the adaptive emission reduction approach (AERA)
The files provide the model output from Bern3D-LPX forced with the Adaptive Emission Reduction Approach (AERA) that are presented in Terhaar et al. (2022). The AERA allows to... -
Lokale und weitreichende Klimaeffekte von Aufforstung und anderen Landnutzung...
Die große Mehrzahl der Emissionspfade, die die globale Erwärmung entsprechend des Paris-Abkommens beschränken, geht von einem großskaligen Einsatz von... -
Das Klima vor Gericht Wachsender Problemdruck, wissenschaftliche Fortschritte...
Das Klima vor Gericht: Die Konsequenzen und Risiken der globalen Klimakrise werden immer deutlicher, viele davon können mit immer besserer wissenschaftlicher Evidenz auf...