2023 myThaw data set
The 2023 myThaw data set provides standardized measurements for permafrost thaw and the linked parameters snow depth, vegetation height and water level as suggested by Boike et... -
Magnetic property summary (NGHP-01 Sites 10 and 16)
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Velocity-dependent measurements of Nankai Trough basalts
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Overview of parameters measured on the sediment cores of this study recovered...
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(Table 1) Experimental shear strength values for IODP Exp315 and Exp316 holes
We investigate the mechanics of slope failures on the Nankai accretionary complex offshore Japan in the vicinity of a major out-of-sequence thrust fault (termed the... -
Pressure and velocity measurements from ODP Hole 170-1039B, 170-1040C and 205...
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Stick and slip measurements from ODP Leg 170 and Leg 205
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O2WMED: Quality controlled dataset of dissolved oxygen in the western Mediter...
A new dataset from oceanographic cruises in the Western Mediterranean Sea (WMED) was compiled to integrate the previously published regional data product about dissolved... -
KOSMOS laboratory experiment Bergen 2022 on ocean alkalinity enhancement: gro...
Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) during a laboratory experiment at the University of Bergen (Norway) in April/May 2022. This experiment was associated to the KOSMOS 2022... -
(Table T1) Magnetic properties of ODP Hole 175-1081C
Magnetic properties are reported for samples from sediment cores recovered at Site 1081 on the Walvis Ridge (~20°S) during Leg 175 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Rock magnetic... -
Thorium, Uranium and Lead isotopic and geochronologic data for zircon crystal...
Individial CA-TIMS ages of analyses in red were excluded from the final age calculation.(a) z1, z2 etc. are labels for single zircon grains or fragments annealed and chemically... -
Table 4: Directly-measured friction velocity dependence
MS = Megasplay, Dec = Decollement.Japan Trench data from from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Table 2: Model-extracted velocity-dependent friction parameters
Japan Trench data from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Table 3: Measurements of Friction Slip Dependence
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Table 1: Model-extracted velocity-dependent friction parameters
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Velocity-dependent friction measurements of IODP Hole 343-C0019
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Frictional velocity dependence of IODP Hole 343-C0019E
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Shear strength rates and slip measurements from IODP Expedition 316 and ODP H...
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(Table 2) Boron isotope composition of carbonate from cold-water scleractinia...
Isotope measurements were normalised to SRM951 and are expressed as delta values (d11B), and external precision is 0.31 per mil based on the in-house coral Porites standard... -
(Table 2) Ferromegnetic resonance parameters for samples from ODP Hole 119-738C
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