Jolien Pieters - PhD project data for study 4
Title Design and evaluation of a learning assignment In the undergraduate medical curricula on the four dimensions of care: a mixed method study Summary To learn about the... -
Jolien Pieters – PhD project data for study 2
Title A national, palliative care competency framework for undergraduate medical curricula Summary Based on the literature and the results of the first study, we curated a... -
Jolien Pieters - PhD project data for study 1
Title Palliative care education in the undergraduate medical curricula: Students' views on the importance of, their confidence in, and knowledge of palliative care. Summary... -
Jolien Pieters - PhD project data for study 3
Title The spiritual dimension in palliative medicine: a qualitative study of learning tasks – medical students, teachers, educationalists Summary We developed a coherent... -
Project Dedicated
Summary DEDICATED project DEDICATED started in September 2017 in response to practical questions from healthcare professionals about providing palliative care for dementia.... -
Bijdragen aan het welbevinden van patiënten en hun naasten door MArkering van...
De bijvoegde documenten betreffen: - een samenvatting van de 3 deelprojecten incl. de voornaamste resultaten - gebruiksvoorwaarden data - Eindverslagen ZonMw van de 3...