Physical oceanography during POSEIDON cruise PS383
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Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-27
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CTD data Kiel276-27
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Environmental data from NE Atlantic multinet hauls
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Living planktonic foraminifera faunal data from NE Atlantic multinet hauls
Here "living" is equal to "plasma bearing" in the datasets of Schiebel. Size fraction of planktonic foraminiferas counted by Meggers is >125 µm, counted by Rebotim is >100... -
Dead planktonic foraminifera faunal data from NE Atlantic multinet hauls
Size fraction of planktonic foraminiferas counted by Meggers is >125 µm, counted by Rebotim is >100 µm. -
Oxygen isotopes measured on water bottle samples during POSEIDON cruise POS383
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Collection of X-ray micro computed tomography images of shells of planktic fo...
Calcite shells of planktic foraminifera (Protista, Rhizaria) constitute a large portion of deep-sea sediments. The shells are constructed by sequential addition of partly... -
Oxygen isotope data for four deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifera species co...
Stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) of planktonic foraminifera are one of the most used tools to reconstruct environmental conditions of the water column. Since different species live...