5 datasets found

Keywords: POS tagging

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  • Freeling IT

    Freeling IT is a web service that performs sentence splitting, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, morphological analysis and lemmatization on Italian texts only. It was...
  • EvaLatin 2020: data

    Training and gold test data released in EvaLatin 2020, the evaluation campaign of NLP tools for Latin. The two shared tasks proposed in EvaLatin 2020, i. e. Lemmatization and...
  • NRC2011

    Newspaper texts taken from printed and and digital versions of the NRC newspaper. The texts cover blogs, hard news, background articles, opinion articles on related topics....
  • Pre-trained POS tagging models for German social media

    Pre-trained POS tagging models for the HunPos tagger (Halácsy et al. 2007) the biLSTM-char-CRF tagger (Reimers & Gurevych 2017) Online-Flors (Yin et al. 2015)....
  • A harmonised testsuite for social media POS tagging (DE)

    A harmonised POS testsuite of web data, CMC and Twitter microtext, with word forms and STTS pos tags (+ some additional CMC-specific tags). UD pos tags have been automatically...
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