Povojni izvensodni poboji
Namen raziskave je ugotoviti stališče anketiranih do aktualnega vprašanja povojnih izvensodnih pobojev. Raziskovalce je zanimalo mnenje anketiranih o tem, ali naj parlament o... -
Municipal Borough and Urban Sanitary Authority Financial Accounts, 1872-1910
The data contain town financial accounts reported in the "Local Taxation Returns" report to Parliament, for the years 1872-1910. The accounts disaggregate sources of revenue,... -
British Peers, 1603-1959
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The British Peers database is a demographic dataset detailing births, deaths and marriages of English,... -
Village Records of Chelsworth, Suffolk, 1441-1904
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This dataset is derived from a collection of published and unpublished information collected in... -
Number of Voters on the Burgess Roll in Municipal Boroughs in England and Wal...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The data set was created as part of the ESRC funded project Economic Policy and Political Myopia. The... -
Electing John Bull: the Changing Face of British Elections, 1895-1935
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The project studied eleven randomly chosen English constituencies at four General Elections (1895,... -
Spanish 'Little War', 1808-1814
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The aim of this database is to provide an insight into the sociology of the guerrilla movement that... -
Catalogue of the Published Papers of the National Association for the Promoti...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (or Social Science Association as it was... -
Justices of the Peace, 1669-1699
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This dataset constitutes an index, arranged alphabetically by surname, of the names of justices of the... -
Evidence to the Children's Employment Commission, 1842
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The current research (academic article in progress) is aimed at examining the effectiveness of the Mines... -
Popular Protest in Late Medieval English Towns, 1196-1452
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. For popular revolt in late-medieval English towns the assumption has been that little happened there.... -
British Parliamentary Election Results, 1885-1973, with Socio-Economic Links ...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. An extensive relational database, developed for both teaching and research purposes over a period of... -
Public Petitions to the House of Commons, 1780-1918
The data contains two files that together record and classify over one million public petitions to the House of Commons, 1780-1918, by the subjects that they addressed, which in... -
The Impact of Elections in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda, 2014-2017
These are transcripts of interviews conducted in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda between January 2014 and June 2017 as part of the ESRC project ‘The impact of elections’. The project...