Black Sea water column dissolved nutrients and dissolved and particulate orga...
Dissolved nutrients (NO3, NO3, NH4, PO4, Si, H2S) and dissolved and particulate oganic matter (DOC, TDN, CHLa, SPM, POC, PN, d13C) were measured on bottle samples obtained... -
Nutrient data from water samples from MOSES project's cruise stern_1
On the MOSES cruise Sternfahrt_1 water samples were taken on 8 stations. Samples were exchanged between the institutes Alfred-Wegener-Institut Zentrum für Polar- und... -
P fluxes and prokaryotic cycling at benthic boundary layer in the deep southe...
The sediment-water interface is a site of active nutrients exchange between the geosphere and the hydrosphere. We quantified fluxes of dissolved inorganic and organic... -
South China Sea water column dissolved nutrients and particulate organic matt...
In March 2015, transects of CTD casts were run on the Chinese RV Haiyang 4 in the northern South China Sea parallel and perpendicular to the coastline and the shelf break.... -
The expoitation of the A, B, C spectral signatures of H-bonds.
Intermediate strength hydrogen bonds, H-bonds, are known to play a role in the reactions of surface bound species, especially on the widely used industrial substrate... -
Concentration data of NO3-, NH4+, PO4, and Si from filtered sediment porewate...
Porewater samples were conserved with 0.2% chloroform and analyzed at EAWAG, Switzerland, for NO3-, NH4+, SiO2, and o-PO4 using standard photometric methods (DEW, 1996). In...