4 datasets found


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  • Policy-Making Processes in Cultural Policy Arena in Slovenia

    Izhodišče raziskave predstavlja trditev, da moč med posameznimi javnopolitičnimi podarenami v procesih oblikovanja javnih politik ni uravnotežena. Zato je bil cilj raziskave...
  • Work of parliament

    Namen raziskave je ugotoviti mnenja anketiranih o delu parlamenta v tem mandatu, mnenja o tem, ali se je ugled parlamenta v tej sestavi bolj povečal ali bolj zmanjšal v...
  • Parliamentary Oversight in Russia and Ukraine 2006

    This project sought to broaden understanding of the role of legislatures in contemporary states by investigating oversight in two post-Soviet cases, Russia and Ukraine, where...
  • House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, 1979-2019

    How do politicians make political arguments? What has changed in the substantive agenda of the House of Commons over time? How do MPs represent the interests of their...
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