FAIR-Check: script to check FAIR principles compliance
Fair-check is a simple script to check FAIR principles compliance. It uses FAIR Evaluator, a service which, using a SmartAPI annotation, can retrieve information to check... -
Replication data for: A Systematic Review of Open Data in Agriculture
This dataset contains a collection of 1162 papers retrieved by using a PRISMA systematic review of Open Data and Public Domain data in Agriculture. This collection of papers... -
Worldwide list of seaports, version 2021
World list of seaports. In its 2021 version, the repository includes 13709 ports for 187 countries. The list of seaports has been drawn up on the basis of the information... -
Aspen Open Jets: a real-world ML-ready dataset for jet physics
This dataset contains approximately 180 M boosted jets, derived from open data collected by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2016 — specifically... -
Research Data Publishing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
This dataset contains background data for a small study about how the recommendations for how to increase the FAIRness of research data are being adopted in scientific/scholarly... -
Needs Assessment FAIR and Open Science
This dataset contains the results of a survey among researchers at the UMCU into the barriers they experience when sharing data and software themselves, and reusing data that is...