Zoobenthos abundances of polygon tundra in the Kolyma Delta near Pokhodsk (NE...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during RRS Charles Darwin cruise C...
Counts are total numbers per core or 28.27433 cm**2 area and are divided per slice. -
Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during RRS Discovery cruise D297
Counts are total numbers per core surface or 25.52 cm**2 area and are divided per slice. -
Abundances (biomass) of rocky mid-intertidal macro-species measured through a...
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Abundances (counts) of rocky mid-intertidal macro-species measured through a ...
This dataset has no description
Abundances (percent cover) of rocky mid-intertidal macro-species measured thr...
This dataset has no description
Experiment on effects of elevated pCO2 on bivalve dominated communities: Meio...
This dataset has no description
Simulated leakage of high pCO2 water negatively impacts bivalve dominated inf...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2016) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Macrozoobenthos biomass in surface sediments of R/V Alkor cruise AL519/1
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Macrozoobenthos abundances in surface sediments of R/V Alkor cruise AL519/1
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Macrozoobenthos biomass in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surround...
88 stations have been sampled with a box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 2 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was fixed in buffered... -
Macrozoobenthos biomass in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surround...
88 stations have been sampled with a box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 2 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was fixed in buffered... -
Macrozoobenthos biomass in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surround...
20 stations have been sampled with a box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 6 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was fixed in buffered... -
Macrozoobenthos abundance in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surrou...
88 stations have been sampled with a modified reineck box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 2 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was sorted... -
Macrozoobenthos abundance in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surrou...
88 stations have been sampled with a modified reineck box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 2 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was sorted... -
Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during Belgica cruise BG06/13, Gol...
Counts are total numbers per core or 25.51759 cm**2 area and are divided per slice. -
North Sea benthic meiofaunal communities in sediments during ALKOR cruise AL374
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Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled ...
Data were provided through and converted from Schlüter, M & Jerosch, K (2009) Digital Atlas of the North Sea, hdl:10013/epic.34893.d001 (pdf 3.7 MB). -
Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled ...
Data were provided through and converted from Schlüter, M & Jerosch, K (2009) Digital Atlas of the North Sea, hdl:10013/epic.34893.d001 (pdf 3.7 MB). -
Benthic macrofauna abundance and biomass in surface sediment during cruise PL...
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