32-bit and 64-bit Integer and floating-point astronomical data from several s...
Set of samples of astronomical data gathered by 7 different surveys: Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA), Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES),... -
Integer (L0) astronomical data from several observatories
Set of non-processed (L0) samples of astronomical data gathered by 5 different observatories located around the world: the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT), the Jacobus Katpeyn... -
Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)
CANDELS is designed to document the first third of galactic evolution from z = 8 to 1.5 via deep imaging of more than 250,000 galaxies with WFC3/IR and ACS. It will also find... -
Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH)
By observing 25 massive galaxy clusters with HST's new panchromatic imaging capabilities (Wide-field Camera 3, WFC3, and the Advanced Camera for Surveys, ACS), CLASH will... -
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES)
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES) utilizes long-duration pure parallel visits (~> 3 orbits) of HST at high Galactic latitude... -
Hubble Space Telescope Heritage Press Release Images
WFPC2 and ACS images used to create the Heritage project color composite press releases. The data has been expertly prepared, significantly beyond the standard pipeline... -
Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey (STAGES)
STAGES is a large area (0.5x0.5 degree) survey of the complex Abell 901(a,b)/902 multiple-cluster system at z=0.165. An 80-tile imaging mosaic in F606W was conducted in HST... -
Wide Field Planetary Camera 1
The WF/PC-1 was used from April 1990 to November 1993, to obtain high resolution images of astronomical objects over a relatively wide field of view and a broad... -
Wide Field Planetary Camera 2
The WFPC2 is used to obtain high resolution images of astronomical objects over a relatively wide field of view and a broad range of wavelengths (1150 to 11,000 Å). -
MAST ObsCore ConeSearch
All MAST catalog holdings are available via a ConeSearch endpoint. This service provides access to all MAST holdings with positional information that have been ingested into... -
Hubble Source Catalog Detailed Search
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope by combining the tens of thousands of visit-based source lists in the Hubble... -
MAST CAOM ObsPointing ConeSearch
All MAST catalog holdings are available via a ConeSearch endpoint. This service provides access to MAST holdings with pointing positional information in the Common Archive... -
Hubble Source Catalog Summary Search
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope by combining the tens of thousands visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy... -
PS1DR2 Cone (PanSTARRS 1 DR 2 Catalog ConeSearch)
All MAST catalog holdings are available via Cone Search endpoints. This service provides access to the PanSTARRS 1 DR2 catalog. All available missions are listed at... -
GAIA DR3 ConeSearch
All MAST catalog holdings are available via Cone Search endpoints. This service provides access to the MAST mirror of the GAIA catalog data release 3. All available missions... -
Deep Optical Photometry of Six Fields in the Andromeda Galaxy
Using the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope, Thomas Brown (STScI) et al. obtained deep optical images reaching well below the oldest main sequence... -
TESS Input Catalog ConeSearch
The TESS Input Catalog is a comprehensive collection of 1.73 billion sources on the sky, providing stellar parameters for evaluation of potential planetary transit signals. It... -
TIC (TESS Input Catalog ConeSearch)
The TESS Input Catalog is a comprehensive collection of 1.73 billion sources on the sky, providing stellar parameters for evaluation of potential planetary transit signals. It... -
MAST SkyMapper Southern Survey Data Release 4 (SMSS DR4)
MAST hosts a copy of the SkyMapper DR4 catalog. SMSS DR4 contains optical photometry in the 6 SkyMapper filters (u,v,g,r,i,z) for ~700 million astrophysical sources over 26,000... -
Kepler Target Search
The Kepler Target Search interface provides access to a 12.5 million row table created by MAST by joining entries from the Kepler Input catalog (KIC) with the Kepler...