Priests, Officials, and Scribes: "Ink-Contacts" in the Multilingual and Multi...
Presentation at the international colloquium INK-QUIRY Inks: between text and materiality, 11.12.2023, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (Spain). The research for this... -
Ink-sights into Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: a journey from Carbon to Iron-ga...
Presentation at the 4th International Congress of Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Nicosia (Cyprus), 05/2024. Recent research on the... -
Infrared Reflectography (IRR) data for a sketch of Peter Paul Rubens (1546 – ...
Recently discovered in Paris, this sketch is one of two known copies of a lost original sketch for Rubens 1615 painting of Diogenes' Search for True Man, currently located... -
IRR images of Ars nova fragments preserved in Nuremberg and Melk
Infrared reflectography (IRR) images were captured with an Apollo reflectography camera (Opus Instruments, UK) from Ars nova music fragments preserved in Nuremberg,... -
Date, Materiality and Historical Significance of P.Köln Inv. 5941
The paper presents the results of the radiocarbon dating and ink analysis of a leather fragment bearing an important liturgical text in Hebrew from the early centuries...