ADCP data measured during baited camera lander deployments on the Cabo Verde ...
A total of eight deployments of an autonomous baited camera lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic, Lat. 14.72, Lon. -25.19; Water depth... -
Critical shear velocity of kelp surrogates under unidirectional flow
Surrogates of juvenile kelp were used to assess how they affect the critical shear velocity of the pebbles they are attached to. For this purpose laboratory experiments were... -
Raw and converted data from under-ice turbulence measurements using an ice-mo...
High-resolution observations of under ice currents were collected using a 5-beam acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) during the RV Polarstern cruise PS131 to the Marginal... -
High-resolution time-series data of biogeochemical and physical parameters in...
Hourly variation of salinity, depth, current velocity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, radon, pH, rainfall, and wind speed during a... -
Salinity, depth, current, temperature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, rado...
Salinity, depth, current, temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide (CO2), radon (222Rn), pH and chlorophyll hourly variation during a complete neap to spring tidal cycle in 2...