Benthic foraminifera counts of ODP Site 202-1242
This dataset contains the benthic foraminiferal counts from ODP Site 1242 including foraminifera of the Extinction group. The sediment samples of ~ 4 cc and 1 cm in thickness... -
Dominant benthic foraminifera and microhabitats in sediment core HER_GC_UB06
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Benthic foraminiferal raw counts of sediment core HER_GC_UB06
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Benthic foraminiferal raw counts of sediment core MD95-2043
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Relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species, west of New Zealand
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Relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species, south of New Zealand
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Relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species, north of New Zealand
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Relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species, east of New Zealand
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Relative abundances of middle Pleistocene benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 18...
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Relative abundance of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in surface sediments east...
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Relative abundance of benthic foraminifera in shallow (<50 m) normal marine s...
This dataset provides relative abundance of benthic foraminifera in shallow (<50 m) normal marine salinity samples. Census data on 89 species of benthic foraminiferal tests...