Replication Data for: Phosphorylation disrupts long-distance electron transpo...
The dataset includes the source data tables (33 csv tables) for the different figures published at the paper. They describe the interaction between complex III and its... -
DK-CLARIN LSP Corpus - Nanotechnology domain
Texts in the Nanotechnology domain come from iNano (Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, AU), Nano (DTU), Niels Bohr Institutet, Forskningscenter Risø, Ministeriet for Sundhed... -
The research life cycle and innovation through grey literature in nanotechnol...
The research life cycle of nanotechnology (NT) and its innovation through grey literature in the form of technical reports in Korea. The changes in the numbers of publications... -
Nulmeting van de publieke opinie over nanotechnologie
In een online onderzoek onder 2545 consumenten is onderzocht wat consumenten weten over en vinden van nanotechnologie. Daarnaast is dit onderwerp in vijf groepen met 45...