Magnetic structure of new manganite TlMnO3
Recently synthesized new perovskite TlMnO3 is distinct in respect of crystal structure (space group) and orbital ordering from those of the previously known trivalent perovskite... -
Neutron diffraction studies of incommensurate charge ordered phase Pr0.20Sr0....
The occurrence of multiferroic properties in incommensurately charge and magnetic ordered phases in the narrow band Pr1-xCaxMnO3 has freshly steered the search of newer such... -
Low-temperature incommensurate magnetic structure study of magneto-dielectric...
The interplay between spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedoms in SrMn1-xWxO3 (X= 0.1625, 0.175) produce the charge and/or spin density waves (CDW, SDW) modulated...