This is a large scale project with the sequencing co-funded by collaborators at the University of Cape Town and WT Core (I2818). This is a project aimed at deepening our... -
NSPHL HAI WGS raw reads
Fastq files for HAI bacteria sequenced at the Nevada State Public Health Lab -
ARGA: Antibiotic Resistance Gene Analysis in CHUAC
Whole genome sequencing of bacteria in clinical samples, mainly from the A Coruna University Hospital Complex (CHUAC, Galicia, Spain) and associated collections, under project... -
Bacterial identification run in house at UCLA -
DNA extraction and Whole Genome Sequencing of mycobacteria from early positiv...
Public description: Technological advances over the past 20 years have led to the widespread use of molecular assays that aid the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The number of... -
Mycobacteria species Raw sequence reads
Identification of Mycobacteria species and detection of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis