Pigment data of P6-13 (1996-05-29)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station P04 (1996-05-09)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station P04 (1996-02-23)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station P04 (1997-02-13)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station P04 (1996-08-16)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station P04 (1995-08-24)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station PAPA (1996-03-01)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station PAPA (1996-08-28)
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Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station PAPA (1996-05-19)
This dataset has no description
Pigment concentration from the Northeast Pacific at station PAPA (1995-09-04)
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Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
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Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases at station AT_II-119...
This dataset has no description
Concentration of chemical elements in surface suspended matter of the Indian ...
Element contents given in % and ppm have been measured in ash (after heating suspended matter at 450°C)