Microfossil abundance of Hole 29-278
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
(Table 3) Late Miocene silicoflagellates drom DSDP Hole 90-594
Miocene silicoflagellates, dominated by Mesocena, are identified and correlated from Site 594 to other Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. Relative paleotemperature values from... -
Silicoflagellate abundance of Hole 81-552A
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Silicoflagellate abundance of Hole 36-329
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Silicoflagellate abundance of Hole 81-555
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Microfossil abundance of Hole 16-158
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Microfossil abundance of Hole 16-157
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
(Table 1) Stratigraphic distribution of silicoflagellates in lower Miocene to...
Samples 104-642C-1H-1,80-81 to 104-642C-8H-3,30-31 (Quatenary to Pliocene), 104-642C-10H-2,71-72 (Lower Pliocene) and 104-642D-11x-2,55-56 barren. Species abundance: *1 = P (=...