Microbial species abundances from public project PRJEB6337 on liver cirrhosis
In the context of the GuildBuilder, this dataset was created to assess the performances of network inference methods for liver cirrhosis risk gut microbiome alterations. This... -
R package WallomicsData
Datasets from the WallOmics project. Contains phenomics, metabolomics, proteomics and transcriptomics data collected from two organs of five ecotypes of the model plant... -
Approximate Bayesian Computation with Random Forest and Sensitivity Analysis ...
This dataset gather scripts and data files that are related to the calibration of the model Delft3D-BLOOM on the case study of Lake Champs-sur-Marne with the ABC-RF (Approximate... -
Scripts used to compute temporal calibration parameters of leaf growth
Scripts to be used in R-cran and COPASI -
Peshmelba v2.0 code for global sensitivity analysis
PESHMELBA Simulation code for "the paper How to perform global sensitivity analysis of a catchment-scale, distributed pesticide transfer model ? Application to the PESHMELBA... -
A Spatial-statistical model to analyse historical rutting data
The rutting dataset comprises of the annual rutting for years 2010-2020 (millimetre, calculated as the difference between current and previous year's data), with rut depth... -
Supplementary data for: Using mathematical modelling to investigate the adapt...
These data constitute the supplementary material for the publication "Using mathematical modelling to investigate the adaptive divergence of whitefish in Fennoscandia". The... -
Pizzas or no pizzas: An advantage of word problems in fraction arithmetic?
Fractions are an important but notoriously difficult domain in mathematics education. Situating fraction arithmetic problems in a realistic setting might help students overcome... -
The tasks (called items in the study) are the first 6 histogram and all 6 case-value plot tasks (hence, the first 12 tasks from the data in dataset 1_Raw_Data_Students). It... -
Dynamic berth and quay crane allocation for multiple berth positions and quay...
Data on ships, berth and cranes used for dynamical modeling of complex container terminal operations. -
Replication Data for: The estimation of reproductive values from pedigrees
This dataset contains the C++ code of the simulation programs for pedigree-based reproductive value estimates, the (summarized) simulation data used for the results presented in... -
COMSOL dataset for the paper "Between science and art: thin sound absorbers i...
This dataset contains Comsol models and data used to generate the results discussed in the paper "Between science and art: thin sound absorbers inspired by Slavic ornaments" by... -
Cluster randomized trials with pretest and posttest measurement
This data set contains SPSS syntaxes and simulated and real data for a statistical paper that compares different methods for analyzing a cluster randomized trial with a pretest... -
Replication Data for: Predicting measurement error variance in social surveys
Social science commonly studies relationships among variables by employing survey questions. Answers to these questions will contain some degree of measurement error, distorting... -
PATSTAT2019a - All Trajectories
Dataset contains All Technological Trajectories defined using Main Path Analysis -
Database for "The impact of amino acids on postprandial glucose and insulin k...
Different amino acids (AAs) may exert distinct effects on postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations. A quantitative comparison of the effects of AAs on glucose and insulin... -
R codes for maximal interaction two-mode clustering by means of REMAXINT or E...
This page includes R codes for studying two-way interaction in two-mode data by means of REMAXINT or E-ReMI, as described in Ahmed et al. (submitted). E-ReMI: Extended maximal... -
Replication Data for: "Sensitivity analysis for measurement invariance testing"
This R script reproduces the analysis in the chapter Oberski, D. L. "Sensitivity analysis for measurement invariance testing", In: Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Billiet, J. &... -
Replication Data for: Wolves and tree logs: Landscape-scale and fine-scale ri...
This dataset contains all data used for the paper Van Ginkel et al, 2018, Ecosystems, and is organised in three zipped folders. The metadata file describes all abbreviations... -
Replication Data for: The dynamics underlying the rise of star performers
In the article connected to this data set, we propose that star performers' abilities develop according to a multi-dimensional, multiplicative and dynamical process. Based on...